Monthly Archives: May 2017

Trout Massacre

Had a great trout bite this morning got our 5 man limit including some real pretty ones over 20″.  Went out looking for cobia to try and be super heros but it got pretty rough and we never saw a fish so we came on in. Fun morning!



Another great day of cobia fishing.  Saw around 20 took home a 53 pounder and a small keeper. Kept our 3rd slot open for the big girl caught more but never found the big one.  Awesome day!






Ryan from Richmond told me he has alot of luck with charters – he ain’t lyin. We caught fish non stop got a limit of pretty trout, 6 or 7 flounder, tons of rock.  Just good inshore light tackle action.  Thanks for checking!



Holy Cow, today was exactly what I needed.  Unbelievable showing of COBIA today!!! I don’t even know how many we saw,  hell – I lost count of how many we caught!!! Amazing fishing today – no crowds, just a bunch of good ol local boys getting it done! So stoked!
