
6th Annual Bayliss Triple Crown

I got a text from my buddy Marc asking me if I wanted to fish in this annual invitational tournament, I couldn’t reply fast enough.   We met up at 0515 to dump the boat in the water.  We were fishing from a 24′ Sportsman Bay which I have to say is one bad boat!  The fishing wasn’t red hot for us but we drove around and picked em off here and there.  We ended the day (noon) with about 15 trout with 12 of them being keepers.  We attended the weigh-in, and after a blessing from the legendary Omie Tillett, we all sunk our teeth into some delicious soft shell crabs straight off the docks. It was a pleasure to fish with these guys and I hope we can all get out there again soon.  Thanks again Marc at for the invite.  He is great Capt to call if you are looking to run inshore charters here on the Outer Banks!

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Still Kickin’

We slipped out for an hour while we had a break in the weather. . . We have had the most erratic and unpredictable weather lately.  The wind was howling all day but it decided to drop out and give us a little window to go find dinner.  We managed two bites, a trout and a flounder.  The time spent from the water to the oven was about 1 hour for these fish.  Doesn’t get much fresher then that!


One more cast *video*

Matt and I both had a busy day ahead of us today. . . So we figured, no better way then to start it off on the right foot.  We fished from 0530 until about 10am and we caught them the whole time.  We just couldn’t stop fishing because we were having so much fun!  We brought along the video camera to grab some clips, and I threw together a little edit. As you can see, we love to catch and release these fish, and we typcially just keep the ones that we think will have a low chance of survival. Enjoy!

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Mid Day Doldrums

I fished with my friend, musician, and darn good angler Ed Tupper.  We fished mid day, during a blue bird sunny day.  This is not typically when I like to fish.  We made the best of it and found some trout.  I also managed to catch the worlds smallest flounder.  We couldn’t pass up the nice weather and an opportunity to slide out for a couple hours.  Here is a shot of the dinky flounder, and a pic of Ed after a good morning of trout fishing about a month ago (we didn’t take any photos of his trout during this session so I stole an old shot.)

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Proud Daddy

I took my 3 year old daughter out about a week ago on one of those sunny beautiful afternoons.   It was her first time on the boat and she loved it! I got her a barbie fishing pole for her birthday, and she was having a great time practicing her cast with the toy fish.  I managed to hook a pretty decent trout, and of course I had to hand off the rod.  She fought it all the way in, and even held it with the boga grip.  Here is Hazel with her first trout!
