Broke the curse!

My cousins are in town from Mississippi this week.  Of course, we had to go fishing.  Super stoked that we got my recent cobia curse off the boat this morning with a couple nice ones.  We did manage to break off a 70+ on the trim tabs, but we stuck it out and got them each a nice fish.  Back to the dock at 11 to go grab some lunch before my 1pm trip.

This afternoon I had Jim and his crew.  We filled the bait box with croakers and headed out.  I was going to take em to catch some jacks, but stumbled on a pretty change with grass and blue water.  Trolled it for a while and got 2 mahi bites, saw a ton more.  Surprised to see mahi that wouldn’t bite – unusual….  Luckily we came up on a pair of cobia on the way in and got one.. Dinner!    Thanks guys – see you next year!


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